Friday, January 9, 2009

The messianic Barack Obama.

I was kinda surprised to see Obama almost on worshipped status in Kenya. In bookstores, you can even find books about his childhood (did Obama grow up here? His dad surely did but his childhood?). At the road junctions, sellers tried to shove Obama souvenirs (what the!? in Kenya!?). So you have Obama t-shirts, hankies, you have Kenyan flags, American flags (WHAT!?). Then I read a very interesting post by someone called R. Corey Richardson and his take on this whole Obama she-bang. I can understand why Obama being the first of non-white to hold presidency presents so much hope to non-white people, to non-Americans. To the extent it overshadows their own country's leader. As for me, somehow, I thought it's a good sign for great change. To show the world that things can happen. But we ought to also remember that Obama is a man and he will fail. He cannot live up to everyone's expectations. As a leader he needs to prioritize and that means some will fall out of his plans. I think as much 'hope' as he embodies, we need to understand that he's nothing more that a representative fact that this world is changing and it's coloured. People are moving out of their borders and settling in other nations. People are marrying each other out of love not coloured skins nor status. People are getting international and travelling to find themselves amongst others. And Obama represents all that. And only all that. He's an American President. He's NOT God.

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