Friday, October 19, 2007

Tokyo Motor Show

I will be leaving for Japan tonight. Half excited, half anxious. Will be dropping by 甲府 for a night before heading to 東京, meeting up with the team for Tokyo Motor Show. To be really honest. Like really really honest (I mean this is what blogging is all about right?), I was never really into cars. A car is a mode of transportation for me to get from point A to point B. Only till recently, I've ventured into the world of automotive - Men's fantasy world - and I'm intrigued at times, and bewildered at other times. I still don't get it, what's with cars and women? Body talks? Some magazines really know how to cheapen themselves. However. On the other hand, there's so much to learn. One for instance, I've learned how to appreciate car designs even more (hence, my new found obsession for the five series, few cars can muster that kind of emotion in people y'know). Two, I've learned so much about the thinkers behind these wheels and their obsession in putting each and every screw together to form something I've always taken for granted. And three, I've learned how cars have changed the world, the impact they made on planet Earth in the last century and how automakers are now desperately trying to innovate themselves out of this pollution sh*t they've innovated themselves in (as we will see in the upcoming Motor Show). And there will be fourth, fifth, sixth, and so on and so forth. And that bit I'm really excited about. I mean, honestly honestly honestly speaking again? I've never gelled well with telecommunications too but today, it has become one of my more intimate passions. God has a very weird sense of humour. He knows exactly what I suck at and puts me right in the action of it. Thanks Big Guy :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh cool, you keep going overseas! And not just 'for fun' either (although i have a feeling you'll have lots of fun) but for a very productive cause. I think. LOL

    For a guy, i'm not very much into cars. Never could be bothered about how torque, horsepower or whatever other manly sounding terms actually affect a car. It would be quite interesting to know how cars would be powered in the future though. Or as you said, how they would designed to reduce pollution etc.

    So anyway, enjoy yourself and take care. Have a safe journey there and back. BYE!

    p.s. Bring me back a souvenir. An automobile maybe? XD
