Read today: Singles are giving up on lone dates, instead opt for group dates.
HE - Jackson, 35, feels that men have it especially hard. So far this year he's already been on seven dates and right after this interview he's off to Date Number Eight. Last year alone he met over 45 women, none of which met his exacting standards. He says, "Hopefully it's lucky number eight. I'm looking for a specific type of woman and so far she doesn't seem to exist. All the ones I met were too loud, too arrogant and put too much stock in what I earn". Jackson is a successful businessman, has a list of requirements that the woman he eventually plans to marry needs to fulfil, which includes a love for reptiles (he has two snake pets), an ability to cook and an appreciation of vintage cars. He continues, "When I was younger, dating was all about fun and getting together at the end of the night but now as I'm getting older, I find myself mentally ticking boxes every time I meet someone new. The things I've wanted have changed so much; I'm actively looking for a woman to marry and I don't necessarily want someone who will jump in bed with me after the first date. I'm tired of wining and dining lah, that's why (tonight's) date is more of a group thing. In fact, I'm really hoping that she gets on with my friends because that way they can find out all these things for me. I am bored of auditioning".
My humble opinion for um, Jackson: If you think she doesn't seem to exist. Well, Hmm. Maybe she doesn't? Because if she does, you'd be dating her right now? Well of course, unless you didn't meet her exacting standards, then... But hey, don't lose hope. You seemed to be very clear with who you want, how about running national ads (in 3 languages)? This could save you (and your friends') time from 'auditioning' :)
SHE - Davina and best friend, Cheryl, both 29, are romantics at heart and still expect to be wooed with dinner and drinks, preferably at an expensive restaurant. Davina says, "I don't want to meet your friends the first time we go out. What's the point of meeting your clique right in the beginning? I'm not spending enough time with the person I'm meant to be getting to know". Cheryl concurs, "How can you take care of me when you're with your friends? I want someone to pay attention to me on a date, not be worrying about what his friends think of me. After all, it's him that I'm going out with and not his pals. What they think about me shouldn't really count."
Jackson, meet Davina and Cheryl, meet Jackson! My humblest opinion for Davina and Cheryl (which I'm sure are fictional names replaced by the very kind writer): How about trying something new like... thinking for your date for once? Or like... footing the bill? In a preferably expensive restaurant? I'm pretty sure that'll get him to start paying attention ;)
I'm really not sure if these articles are true. Or these people 'featured' in this kind of entertainment piece are real. I mean, seriously? Listen to yourself, you three selfish purts! You make it sound as though you're some almighty majesty and because you did your rounds, you self-escalated in game levels and now everyone's a minion for you! Well, go any higher and you'll never find anyone down-to-earth there for sure.
What happened to this generation of daters? What happened to chivalry and being plain old kind and caring? Whatever happened to mutual respect? Have we merely descended into a murky pool of 'position' applicants with 'boxes to tick' and then judged by our 'eagerness' in an expensive environment? You've. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.
Listen. If you really wanna get a date, get hitched, get knocked up, geez, get a new job, get whatever! Just be a good person and treat your date with a lot of respect and care. Even if it's not reciprocated. Simple and timeless. Why? Because we're really way bigger than that and I have to agree with Jackson (credit there, Jacko!), we're wayyyyyy above wine and dine. How you treat your date doesn't show who they are. It shows who you are.
*Italics - copied word for word from TimeoutKL, page 90.
**This is my puny attempt to post a commercial entertainment piece by shamelessly riding on the back of established writers from TimeoutKL, which I thought was a nice break from my political rants and many failed attempts to overthrow establishments. If you have found this article to be offensive, then my deepest apologies - it's a joke, masqueraded in honesty. But if you have found this article to be offensive, and you happened to be Jackson, Davina and/or Cheryl, comment here and I'll remove the article immediately. Promise :) Or if you're from TimeoutKL, um. This blogpost will self destruct in the next 60 seconds...